Saturday, March 10, 2012

Cottage Pie (England)

2 onions-finely chopped
1.5 lb ground beef
1 tbsp flour
1/2 c red wine
2 garlic cloves-finely  chopped
1 c beef stock
2 carrots- finely copped
salt and pepper

1/5 lb mealy potatoes peeled and cut into chunks.
4 tbsp butter
2 tbsp cream or milk
salt and pepper

Saute onions in large, oven proof casserole until soft. Add garlic. Add the ground beef. Add the carrots and salt and pepper. Stir in the red wine, stock and flour. Simmer until thickened. Cover and cook for 1 hour. Mean while cook the potatoes in boiling salted water for 15-20 min. Drain and mash with potatoes masher until smooth. Add butter and cream and season to taste. Place potatoes over beef mixture. Bake for 15-20 min at 400 degrees until browned . Serves 6.

Scotch Broth (scotland)

At our Stake Relief Society Birthday Celebration, Gina Fama made the most amazing food. I will post the recipes.

1 lb Lamb
 6 3/4 C Pearl Barley
1 garlic clove- finely chopped
2 leeks- sliced
3 small turnips- finely chopped
3 carrots- thinly sliced
2 onions-chopped
2 celery stalks- sliced
salt and peper

Cut lamb into small pieces and boil in the water. Add the pear barley, reduce heat and simmer gently covered for about 1 hour. Add the veggies and season with salt and pepper.  Cover and simmer for 1 hour. Remove from heat and let cool. Remove any solidified fat from the surface. Reheat and serve. Serves 6-8

Visiting Teaching

I have been asked to report our Visiting Teaching to the Bishop every Sunday morning in Ward Council. When you have made contact with your sister (visit, phone or mail), please report to your supervisor, Jennifer Esquerra or myself. You can text, email or call it in. You don't have to be completely done, just report as you go.

Phone numbers, email addresses and Cell numbers can be found in the RS bulletin.

Thank you for your support in this matter!

Service Projects

Service Projects going on for 2012

VA Hospital- We are collecting trial size toiletries. Shampoo, soap, razors, etc. The hospital does not provide anything for our vets. You can also give full size bottles of shampoo as the nurses will dispense into cups for the patients.  If you have anything to donate, please place it in the box on the Relief Society Table outside the RS room on Sundays.

VA Hospital- We are making slippers for the patients. The hospital runs out every month. Crocheted or Knitted (or store bought, if you find a good deal).  If you are interested in making them, there is yarn on the RS table. Or you can use your own. Sizes 7 to 13. Mostly men colors, but they have some women. Any pattern.

Quilts- We are also making twin size blankets for the hospital. If you are interested in sewing, you can pick up a bag of fabric on the RS table and make a blanket top. Any pattern! If it does not turn out to be a twin size blanket, then we will give it to the Battered Women's Shelter (Safe House).  We have the batting and will get it tied. We also have blankets that have been tied, that need to be bound. Check the RS table for those as well.

Safe House- We are taking everything that is left over from the trash to treasure events to the Safe house. Also blankets that are made by our Sisters. 

Any questions, please contact a member of the RS Presidency!


Christy is our new Secretary and she is trying to get the blog up and running again. I will try and post things as well, so we can get tons of info out to you sisters. Please check back often!

Also, if you are a member of facebook, find me! I will add you to the RS facebook page. I have a picture of my blond son holding my baby girl.

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