Monday, December 21, 2009


If you have a website that you just love and think it would benefit our sisters, please leave the website in the comment section. I have already listed some under the "Favorite Website" Section. There are some websites that will help with food storage, cooking, etc.


We have been handing out RS Meeting Surveys the past couple Sundays. If you have not gotten one, please leave a comment with your email address and I will email one to you.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


A big THANK YOU to everyone who helped with the RS Christmas Dinner last night. We had over 50 sisters attend.

Thank you to all the RS board members who helped plan, set up and clean up. And thank you to all the sisters who are not on the board who gave of their time and talents to put the dinner on.

Thanks to the sisters who were in our program. You guys rock! Amberlee you did a great job getting it together. Sister Jobe! Thanks for being willing to play!

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