Ladies of Sage Book Club
Our first meeting will be on Tuesday, February 16th
at 7pm at church (Young Women's room)
Princess Bride:
S. Morgenstern's classic tale
of True Love and High adventure by William Godlman.
The Princess Bride is a story of "Fencing, Fighting, Torture, Poison, True Love, Hate, Revenge, Giants, Hunters, Bad Men, Good Men, Beautifulest ladies, Snakes, Spiders, Beasts of all natures and descriptions, Pain, Death, Brave Men, Coward Men, Strongest men, Chases, Escapes, Lies, Truths, Passions. Miracles"
Look for a sign up list and flyer on Sundays or comment on this blog post.
Any Questions? Laurel Flowers at
I've already started reading it! Can't wait!!