The stake RS asked us to put together and send more Hygiene kits for Salt Lake. They are ALL OUT!
In light of the recent tragedy in Chile, we would like to put these kit together ASAP so we can get them to Salt Lake to send to he areas that are in need. We will also be working on blankets to be sent to Salt Lake City as well.
Wed, March 31st
7pm in the RS Room
Young Woman will be joining us
Hygiene KitsNeeded Items and where the cheapest place to buy them
Combs (no sharp handles. Dollar Store in multi packs)
tooth brushes ( individually packaged. Dollar Store on 98th street. Pack of 4 for 1.00)
tubes of toothpaste (6-8 oz, no pumps. Dollar Store or on sale)
bars of soap (aprox 4-5 oz. Dollar Store in packs of 3 for 1.00)
Hand towels (new. Aprox 15"by 25". No dish towels or wash clothes. They need to be white. The cheapest is to by a white main stay towel at walmart. Cut it into 4's and zig zag the edges. If you want to buy the towels, but don't have time to finish them, please give them to me and we will do it for you.)
BlanketsMaterial (Smallest blankets need 1 yard of fabric for each side)
Yarn (to tie the blankets)
If you have any extra Fabric at home, please bring it on sunday or to my house, so it can be put together for that night. We would like to make bigger blankets, but we need the Fabric to do so.
If you would like to donate any of the above items, please email me, comment to this post, bring them to my house or give them to me at church.
Also, let your friends know. Everyone wants to do something. EVERYONE is welcomed to donate and to help that evening (as long as they are a woman or YW woman).